Sunday 5th November 2017 7:30pm

70th Anniversary Concert

Peel Hall, Salford University, M5 4WT

Conductor - Barrie McKinnon

Leader - Jon Henderson

Soloist - Jonathan Stone   

 Programme Includes

 Humperdinck: Hansel and Gretel Overture

 Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks 

 Bruch: Kol Nidrei

 St Saens: Allegro Appassionata for Cello and Orchestra

 Faure: Elergy for Cello and Orchestra

German: 3 Dances from Nell Gwynn

 Beethoven Symphony No. 3

Refreshments will be served at the interval.  

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First Violins
Jon Henderson
Christine Clarkson
Denise Doyle
Eileen Stevens
Jennifer Brierley
Emily Peak
Second Violins
Joanne Mellody
Simon Caplan
Bronwen Bevin
Joe Brothy
Nicholas Paxton
Emma Pitcher
Martin Stuart
John Owen
John Eaton
Dave Collins
Katy Gettings
Mary Boulos
Lee Carr
Rosie Douglas
Jonathan Stone
Jenny Hughes
Andrew Fielding
David Lund
Karen Gedd
Nicholas Fox
Rosemary Williams
Trevor Marshall

Denis Carvill
Walter Coupe
Sarah Birchall
Elaine Williams
Angela D'Arcy
Laura Edge
Becky Stevens
Xu Anlin
Tom Gough
Andy Bickerton

Chris Kay
Alan Saunders
Peter Thickbroom
Tim Paton
Carole Williams
Bass Trombones
Gary Hamer
Irene Molin-George
Kathryn Brown
Maxine Molin



 Tickets (adult £9 and concessions £7) can be purchased online from the Salford Symphony website ( or on the door (adult £10.00 and concessions £8.00). Enquiries and Box Office Tel: 0161 281 6698.

Accompanied children (up to age 16) will be admitted free. 



This concert will be held in the very same hall the orchestra played its first concert in on the 2nd of November 1947. The Hall was part of the the Royal Technical College, before the University of Salford was formed in 1967, which also makes this year the university's 50th Anniversary.  


  NB: The Orchestra reserves the right to change the programme and venue according to the availability of music, venue and players.


The profits from this concert will be donated to our chosen charity Salford Heart Care