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There are two easy ways you could help the Salford Symphony Orchestra to raise funds. One is called easyfundraising where Salford Symphony gets money whenever you buy online. The other one is called easysearch where Salford Symphony gets money every time you search for something on the internet. Neither of these will cost you a penny.

Online shopping

It's very simple - just follow the instructions below to register and shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. Whenever you buy something online, the retailer makes a donation to Salford Symphony, which could be up to 15%.
What's more it's free and won't cost you a penny extra to shop through easyfundraising and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes. The only difference to your shopping habits will be going via rather than direct to Amazon, say. You still shop directly with each retailer as you would normally, but simply by using the links from the site first, each purchase you make will generate a cash back donation to Salford Symphony, instantly raising money for us.

For example, spend £25 with WH Smith on Books and 2.5% will be donated. You will have raised £0.63, at no extra cost to your purchase. Make any purchase from Amazon and 2.5% will be donated, so a £500 item like a TV would generate a donation of £12.50. Insure your car with Aviva and raise £30.00, or purchase a mobile phone from O2 and earn £17.50, and so on.

You can shop with 2000+ brand name retailers and to raise funds you just use the links from our site first - it's that simple!

Online Searches

Once you have registered with easyfundraising (see below for details), Instead of using a search engine directly, like Google or Bing, by using easysearch instead, you'll be raising funds for Salford Symphony. Each supporter can raise around £20 a year for Salford Symphony just by searching 10 times a day. 

Once you have registered all you need to do is search using You could set this as your home page to make searching even easier.

If you have any problems setting any of this up, please contact Dave for assistance.


How to register with Easy Fundraising

If you haven’t used Easy Fundraising before, you will need to register on the site so they know which organisation you are supporting.

1. Click on the picture below. A separate window will open like the one in the picture below. Click on "Join us"



2. Create an account using either the "Continue with Facebook" or with the "Continue with Email" Option.

3. Enter your details to create an account.


4. There is a useful bit of software you can install on your PC, which will remind you to use easyfundraising whilst on a participating retailer's website. You don't have to use this, but it is a useful bit of software which works with your browser. Click on the image below to install. 

5. Once you have registered, you will receive an email confirming registration. Now you are ready to shop online or surf the net! Simples!

6. To shop online go to and select a retailer to buy from. Alternatively click the easyfundrasing logo on the Salford Symphony website.

7. To search the internet go to or click on the easysearch logo on the Salford Symphony website.


Share with your friends and family

Anybody can start raising funds for Salford Symphony for free, so do send them the link to this page and encourage them to support us too.